Everyone Should Answer this Question
On Sunday, November, I led Sunday School for children at His Heart Ministries in Jackson, MS. It was an honor to lead these children (pictured above) on the difference between Godly peace and worldly peace. I am confident that one of their biggest takeaways from this lesson is how fun it is to greet someone by saying “Shalom.” Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace, is comforting to remember because it means security, hopefulness, prosperity, etc. Greeting someone by saying “Shalom” means you want them to have peace for the day. You want security and hopefulness for them. But, for now, these children are probably saying “Shalom” for fun.
His Heart Ministries is not only a partner for Know Ministries but also close to my heart. Before forming Know Ministries and working with His Heart Ministries to provide Bibles to children, I was connected with the organization through various service projects in my church’s youth group. I developed a friendship with the main director, Mrs. Paula. I am still saddened that one year ago, Mrs. Paula passed away. I know Mrs. Paula would be happy with these children today.
I know Mrs. Paula would be happy with the question a child asked as soon as I walked into the Sunday School classroom. One child saw me enter the room and immediately asked, “Do you have your Bibles?” I was slightly concerned because I thought I had forgotten I was supposed to bring Bibles. Luckily, I did not miss that request, but that question did lead to discussions about providing more Bibles soon.
The question, “Do you have your Bibles?” made me think about my life. As the director of a ministry that provides Bibles to children, I have to ask myself, “Is the Bible important to me?” Am I reading God’s Word daily? What about you? Do you have your Bible? Are you reading God’s Word daily?
I have noticed that children are honest. They will ask you deep questions. One might read that question from that child and think it requires a simple answer. But the question, “Do you have your Bibles?” can be much more profound when you think about it. If we consider it, we can read that question as, “Is God's Word a priority for us? Is God’s Word always at your side?”
Think about it. Is the Bible important to you?
Bishop Barlow, President of Know Ministries