Help Children Know

Provide a Bible today and share the Good News they need to hear for the future they deserve

  • 7,394

    Bibles Provided

  • 37

    Different Cities

  • 3


“That was my first Bible and I read it in an entire week.”

Child in Jackson, MS

The Bible we provided to a 15 year old student was the first one she ever had. A group of children had Bibles in their home, but none of them had their own personal Bible. Some children did not know have a personal relationship with Jesus. These are just some of the stories you help write.

Latest Stories

We Provide Bibles Because

We provide Bibles because of the

  • Salvation of Children

  • First Bible a child will receive

  • Joy on the Children’s faces

Get Involved

"I wanted my children to see beyond the horror in the world and find the peace in the Bible."

Mom of child in Houston, TX

The joy and gratefulness you had when someone gave you your first Bible is the same joy these children have when they receive a Bible from our volunteers. Your work doesn't go unnoticed as you have the opportunity to tell the next generation about the greatest love they will ever know. When you place a Bible in a child’s hand, you cannot help but realize that you gave Life to that child.

Stay In the Know

Stay up to date on stories of children receiving Bibles and special updates on how you can get involved.

Connect Every Month

Members of “Connection” give monthly so children in the inner cities can be fulfilled every month.

“She was so excited to take her Bible home and read it.”

Mom of a child in Atlanta, GA