Serving Together With Those Around Us

It’s Not Just Us

When we began in 2016, we knew that our work could not be accomplished alone. Two things needed to happen. First, we needed to rely on God. Without His wisdom and guidance, we could not have accomplished what we have. Second, we needed to work with others.

Whether we worked with churches, ministries, or people, we knew we could not be as effective if we worked alone.

Therefore, we work together with others.

Connect to What God is Doing

We work with churches and organizations to tell stories of God's work in children's lives and connect others to that work.

The Know Bible

We are thankful to provide a special Bible to all children. The Know Bible is our first published Bible. It is a full NIV text with custom content to help children grow closer to Jesus.

Who We Work With

We believe are partners are the best at what they do for their inner city community. We have partnered with many organizations and churches across different communities. You can learn more about who we work with and conduct field visits for us.

How are partners identified and chosen?

Know Ministries partners with churches and organizations in different areas. We spend weeks discussing potential opportunities with ministries and churches and learning their stories and mission. This process allows us to see how we can best work with partners and share how God is working through their vision.

What does Know Ministries expect from partners?

We look for specific characteristics in partners. Our most important value is that they are organizations focused on Biblical truths. We thoroughly vet each partner to ensure they are teaching sound doctrine to children. We partner with organizations that believe in the power and inerrancy of the Bible and desire to share how God is moving in the lives of children.

What is the relationship like between Know Ministries and its partners?

We value each of our partners and continually look for ways to stay connected. Each partner is unique to the area it serves. We work with partners to share stories of the spiritual growth of children and connect others to what God is doing in the lives of children who receive Bibles.

God called us to work together to teach others about the Gospel

If you are interested in working with us to provide Bibles to children, click the link below.