Join the Prayer Team

Let’s come together to pray for God’s children to know God’s Word. Sign up to receive monthly prayer requests from us as well as updates on answered prayers.

A Prayer for Them

We praise you, God, for who you are. We praise You for your love and for the grace you give us.

We thank You for Your Word, which tells us it will never return void. We pray that You use these Bibles and speak through them.

We ask that You bless the children who will receive a new Bible. We pray for You to speak to these children as they read each word.

Bless the ministry partners working with Know Ministries to create a loving and open environment for children to receive Your Word. Give Know Ministries’s leaders and ministry partners the strength and wisdom to continue their works.

Use us, God, and use Know Ministries to share Your holy Word with children who may or may not know Your Son Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Save the children who are not following You.

Provide Know Ministries with the strength to continue and show us how we can join together to provide more Bibles to children.

Who are you praying for?

You are praying for the child who said, “Yes, this is my first Bible.”

You are praying for the child who is not a Christian but took a Bible anyway.

You are praying for the child who said, “I want to know who Jesus is.”

You are praying for the ministers and leaders who disciple these children every day.


  • Let Them Know

    We pray for the children and for them to know Jesus loves them.

  • A Full Knowledge

    We pray that these children have a full knowledge of who Jesus is.

  • They Deserve Hope

    These children deserve the hope that the Gospel brings.

Why We Pray

Your Prayers and Your Stories

All Should Pray

Host a prayer gathering with others as we work together to let the children know that Jesus loves them.