Raise Support and Help them Know

Start a fundraiser today to raise support to help children in the inner cities know Jesus loves them

Use your creativity to raise support to provide Bibles to children who need the hope, love, and security of Jesus. Host a lemonade stand, tournament, or luncheon and know the funds you are raising are helping children know Jesus loves them.

Raise Support and Provide Bibles

How It Works

  • Set Up Your Fundraiser

    Choose a fundraiser name, set your goal, and share why you are supporting Know Ministries.

  • Start Raising Money

    Share your fundraiser with your friends and family. Post it on your social media accounts while texting your friends and family.

  • Know Your Impact

    The money you raised is helping provide Bibles to children in the inner cities.

Share Your Idea

Have an idea for a fundraising event? Share your idea with us and we will work best with you to coordinate your event. Please submit responses 30 days before your event.